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Ivan Kolesnikov – Experienced Professional In Programming
Experienced professional in programming. Total development experience — over 10 years. Ivan specializes in creating new IT solutions for business and choosing the right way to solve all the users’ problems. Used to run a team of developers and has a degree in technical science. Creativity and search for the most efficient approach to every task made his projects successful on the market and brought his clients millions of dollars. Now he is interested in sharing his experience with advanced developers and beginners in IT.
Ivan's Articles(211)
What Is the Hybrid Integration Platform and Why Use It?
Hybrid Integration Platforms (HIPs) are gaining popularity yearly. The number of online businesses that integrate their IT segments ...
18.10.2021 Ivan Kolesnikov
Scalability vs Elasticity: What’s the difference?
Cloud data storage is naturally a complex subject. With physical storage, it’s easy to grasp how the resources are allocated and how...
18.10.2021 Ivan Kolesnikov
Data Lake vs Data Warehouse: What’s the Difference?
Institutions obviously have to possess comprehensive information on all aspects regarding their work. They have various types of app...
18.10.2021 Ivan Kolesnikov
RPA Finance & Accounting: List of best uses
As the world steadily progresses towards automation, old faulty methods of data operations are increasingly replaced with Robotic Pr...
18.10.2021 Ivan Kolesnikov
Native Mobile App Development: Features and Advantages
Having a convenient mobile app for your service is critical, whatever it may be. Companies and organizations rush to develop these a...
11.10.2021 Ivan Kolesnikov
Everything as a Service (XaaS): Explained
When the internet has become a widely-spread network of services, it became apparent that its marketing possibilities are immeasurab...
08.10.2021 Ivan Kolesnikov
I am here to help you!
Explore the possibility to hire a dedicated R&D team that helps your company to scale product development.