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Ivan Kolesnikov – Experienced Professional In Programming
Experienced professional in programming. Total development experience — over 10 years. Ivan specializes in creating new IT solutions for business and choosing the right way to solve all the users’ problems. Used to run a team of developers and has a degree in technical science. Creativity and search for the most efficient approach to every task made his projects successful on the market and brought his clients millions of dollars. Now he is interested in sharing his experience with advanced developers and beginners in IT.
Ivan's Articles(211)
Blockchain Identity Management: How is it used and why do you need it?
There are many ways to use blockchain technology and one of them is for managing digital identities. It is a very important addition...
07.12.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
5 Best Blockchain Platforms for 2021
Awareness regarding the potential of blockchain technology is increasing each day. More and more businesses find ways to implement i...
04.12.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
Blockchain Development: Where do you need it and how to create one?
Blockchain — a topic that has been up for a very long time. Contrary to popular belief, it is not only used in the financial sphere....
02.12.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
Hiring a Blockchain developer: Everything you need to know
Blockchain is one of the safest methods to store data. It is always updated, cannot be corrupted or deleted, and it makes things sec...
27.11.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
Hiring an Asp.Net Developer: Everything you need to know
Using dynamic web pages is a good way to attract more customers to your business. However, many companies underestimate this feature...
25.11.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
Hiring a Full-Stack Developer: Everything you need to know
Each web application needs to have high-quality front-end and back-end. If two different specialists work on it, they will have a lo...
23.11.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
I am here to help you!
Explore the possibility to hire a dedicated R&D team that helps your company to scale product development.