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Ivan Kolesnikov – Experienced Professional In Programming
Experienced professional in programming. Total development experience — over 10 years. Ivan specializes in creating new IT solutions for business and choosing the right way to solve all the users’ problems. Used to run a team of developers and has a degree in technical science. Creativity and search for the most efficient approach to every task made his projects successful on the market and brought his clients millions of dollars. Now he is interested in sharing his experience with advanced developers and beginners in IT.
Ivan's Articles(211)
The 10 Best Practices in Mobile App Security
According to the statistics provided by the CPO Magazine, up to 71% of all fraud transactions in 2018 came from mobile applications ...
05.10.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
What is Product Innovation and Why is It Important?
When a product becomes too ordinary and does not seem to be noteworthy, some changes should be made to make it look new and unique. ...
20.09.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
Cloud Cost Management: How to Understand and Reduce Cloud Costs
According to research conducted by Panda Security in 2019, 48% of corporate data is stored on the cloud. As the pandemic has brought...
19.09.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
How to Hire a Remote Team: 4 Steps to Success
Since 2015, Global Cloud Team has significantly expanded. The number of employees has increased, the amount of successful projects h...
18.09.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
Tools For Remote Software Development: Must-Have For Online Teams
Although there are many benefits in remote software development, a huge part of workers often needs to chat with their colleagues to...
17.09.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
How to Run a Successful Remote Meeting: 7 Ideas for Maximum Efficiency
Any meeting is a weird thing. There are delays, interruptions, the topics change to regular discussions, some people aren’t listenin...
16.09.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
I am here to help you!
Explore the possibility to hire a dedicated R&D team that helps your company to scale product development.