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Ivan Kolesnikov – Experienced Professional In Programming
Experienced professional in programming. Total development experience — over 10 years. Ivan specializes in creating new IT solutions for business and choosing the right way to solve all the users’ problems. Used to run a team of developers and has a degree in technical science. Creativity and search for the most efficient approach to every task made his projects successful on the market and brought his clients millions of dollars. Now he is interested in sharing his experience with advanced developers and beginners in IT.
Ivan's Articles(211)
Basic features of agile development methodologies
It was in 1970 that the American computer scientist Winston Royce compiled a document called “Managing the development of larg...
18.02.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
Fintech industry overview for everybody
Financial technologies can be defined in several ways. Most often, they mean all innovations and developments in the field of financ...
18.02.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
The concept of mobile web app development
In recent years, web applications have been rapidly developing, gradually replacing desktop solutions and becoming the most importan...
18.02.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
10 Tips for Mobile Application Development
To become a successful mobile developer, you should follow some advice. It will help you to organize your work efficiently: 1) Try t...
16.01.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
Best Crypto Development Teams: how to organize
Blockchain technologies are developing amazingly fast, creating a favorable environment for entrepreneurs who want to open their bus...
16.01.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
The Secrets of DevOps Organization Structure
Dev and Ops collaboration is the best possible DevOps organizational structure. It is based on the interaction of Dev-and Ops-teams....
10.01.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov
I am here to help you!
Explore the possibility to hire a dedicated R&D team that helps your company to scale product development.