Software Technology Solutions Blog
Tech lead: Brand-new promotion for top developers
Any team working on software development requires a member capable of creating technical procedures and allocating resources. The en...
How to automate business processes: Basic steps to success
The company’s development leads to the emergence of monotonous tasks, increasing the staff burden. BPA is a technology that im...
VR For Business: Integration and Benefits
Virtual reality for business has become our present-day reality. It’s not just an element of science fiction; it’s somet...
How To Program Blockchain: A Guide For Business Owners
When the article “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” was revealed and Blockchain technology was launched in...
What digital transformation means for business: Technologies and benefits
Digital transformation is a trend in business that is gaining tremendous momentum. The transition to digital media, artificial intel...
Basic principles of Lean software development
The concept of Lean as a whole was invented by the Japanese automobile corporation Toyota in the mid-20th century to reduce producti...
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