Software Technology Solutions Blog

7 Best continuous integration tools

Continuous Integration (CI) cannot completely rid developers of bugs, but it allows you to find any bugs and successfully remove the...
24.01.2023 Alex Johnson

What is cloud development and its fundamental features

The development of various platforms is becoming more and more flexible regarding team management, collaboration, and location. Rece...
17.01.2023 Alex Johnson

Main points to focus on when hiring the best ecommerce developers

Today, the ecommerce industry is booming all over the world thanks to the growth in the number of online customers. Gone are when sh...
10.01.2023 Alex Johnson

Blockchain implementation and business: adoption and benefits

Initially, blockchain technology was created to trade crypto comfortably. However, very quickly, experts appreciated the potential o...
03.01.2023 Alex Johnson

Tech lead: Brand-new promotion for top developers

Any team working on software development requires a member capable of creating technical procedures and allocating resources. The en...
20.12.2022 Alex Johnson

How to automate business processes: Basic steps to success

The company’s development leads to the emergence of monotonous tasks, increasing the staff burden. BPA is a technology that im...
13.12.2022 Alex Johnson

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